
The first step to conquering an addiction of any kind is acknowledging that there’s a problem. Unfortunately, many individuals struggling with amphetamine addiction never get to that point. Either they deny an addiction and continue living a life controlled by a substance, or they experience a fatal overdose that completely tears their family apart. For those who survive, however, treatment for amphetamine overdose can be the start of a new life.

Treatment for Amphetamine Overdose: Using Insurance

Many people are apprehensive about getting treatment for amphetamine overdose because they’re worried about cost. While many addiction treatment programs can be expensive, the Affordable Care Act mandates that insurance providers have to provide at least some coverage for addiction treatment. Since medical professionals consider addiction to be a legitimate mental illness (which in many cases is pre-existing), insurance companies have to offer policyholders viable options.

Look for Multiple Levels of Care

When seeking addiction treatment for amphetamine overdose, look for a comprehensive program. A facility that just offers detox won’t get the job done. While detox cleanses the body of dangerous toxins, it doesn’t do anything to change behaviors that led to your addiction in the first place. Changes in behaviors and thought patterns take time.

Following detox, you or your loved one should transition into a high-quality program. Good programs include some degree of individual and group counseling, and many of them also offer experiential therapies to enhance the recovery process. Though options differ based upon the facility, treatment generally continues in one of the following programs:

  • Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Individuals stay on the facility’s grounds, usually for 30–90 days, receiving therapy with 24/7 accountability. Gender-specific addiction treatment programs normally include a mens rehab program and women’s rehab program offering.
  • Partial Hospitalization Program: Frequently used for further stabilization following detox or to address specific medical conditions in tandem, individuals receive treatment and therapy during the day and return home at night.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program: Mainly for individuals lacking the flexibility to attend inpatient. However, patients still get access to the same therapies and treatment programs as residential patients.

Treatment for Amphetamine Overdose Should Include Evidence-Based Behavioral Therapies

Negative thought patterns and behaviors are often at the root of amphetamine addiction. At high-quality treatment facilities, therapists and counselors use various behavioral therapies to promote change and prevent the signs of amphetamine overdose. Some of these therapies may include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

Another treatment method that rehab centers commonly use is dual diagnosis. In many cases, individuals struggling with amphetamine addiction also battle other mental health issues and need to address them to get well. Treating the addiction without treating the actual disorder could cause further complications down the road.

Resources for Treatment for Amphetamine Overdose

If you or a loved one has experienced an amphetamine overdose, the next step you take is vital. We have access to resources and programs that can lead to sustainable sobriety. Contact a reputable Fort Lauderdale Detox Center today for more information.